This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
Scratches the enemy, dealing 20 Critter damage.
Deals 5 Elemental damage each time you take direct damage.
Lasts 5 rounds.
Restores 6 healing every round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Twice as effective in sunny weather.
Deals 15 Elemental damage and reduces up to 5 damage from each attack against you for 1 rounds.
Activate: Plant your roots into the ground, absorbing nutrients. While planted your pet cannot swap.
Deactivate: For every round spent planted, you gain 12 health.
Entangling Roots
Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team.
Next round, the opponent's pet will take 30 Elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.