This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
Diseased Bite
Infects the enemy, dealing 21 Undead damage.
Call Blizzard
Deals 27 Elemental damage and causes a Blizzard for 9 rounds.
During a Blizzard, all pets are considered Chilled and Elemental abilities deal 25% additional damage.
Ice Tomb
Launches an orb of freezing energy at the target.
After 3 rounds, the ice hits, causing the current enemy pet to take 30 Elemental damage and be stunned for 1 round.
Frost Breath
Freezes the target, dealing 20 Dragonkin damage.
Lets out a loud shriek, dealing 10 Dragonkin damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Blistering Cold
Chills the air around the enemy, causing them to be afflicted with Frostbite each round for 3 rounds. Frostbite's damage grows until the pet is swapped.
Blistering Cold lasts for 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.